Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Going on a Date

I remember when I used to go on dates. I would first get the number. Then I would call and make plans to meet for a drink & possibly dinner. Well having an appointment with a client is like going on a date. You know what is the worst feeling? Getting stood up. There I was waiting at the restaurant and she never showed up. 15 minutes late is fashionable. 30 minutes is not. So I called & I got a story of how how she got stuck on the subway. Finally she showed up to the restaurant and we had a nice dinner. She ended up being my girlfriend for a while.
Now I always call & text at least 1 hour before to confirm any of my appointments to show an apartment. When the client does not answer or respond then I don't bother going. I look it as a reflection if the client is responsible? Do they pay their bills on time? Are they honest? I work on behalf of the landlord. My job is more than just showing an apartment. It is my job to get the client approved. How do you think it feels getting stood up? Not good! So please don't stand me up! Answer my confirmation. Respond. Communicate. I am here for you. Thanks

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Working the property VS working the customer

I work hard for my customers. Most real estate agents will show a customer 1 or 2 apartments and that's it. They work the property. They will show the same 1 or 2 apartments over and over again until they rent it. They will show the 1 or 2 apartments 100 times if they have to. I don't do that I work the customer cause I want a relationship. I will show as many apartments as it takes until we find something they like. Maybe in the future they will want to buy something from me? I love referrals!